Furniture Upholstery & Reupholstery
Custom Furniture Upholstery, Reupholstery, Renewal and Restoration
Our upholstery business ranges from custom upholstery work for clients to upscaling unique pieces of furniture we find at a flea markets. As you’ll see in our photo gallery, good candidates for reupholstery range from older well constructed items with high sentimental value to newer good quality pieces of furniture that just need new covers to fit a redesigned room. We begin by having you submit photos of the furniture you’d like to have reupholstered. We make fabric and labor estimates and help you find a fabric you’ll love in our fabric library. We then transport your furniture to our shop and strip off all of the old fabric and disassemble the piece when necessary. We replace any worn out or broken furniture components and rebuild your furniture to like new condition. We sew new cushion covers and often make matching pillows for the newly upholstered furniture.
Custom Window Seats and Pillows
Outdoor Cushion Covers
Bedding and Custom Upholstered Headboards
Baby Bedding
Upholstered Walls

Contact Us
We’d love to help you with your next upholstery project. Please contact us for all your upholstery and drapery needs.