October 4, 2016 by Manda

We’re excited to announce that we’ve moved to a new location at 202 E Commercial Street!

If you’re looking for Bridge Upholstery and Drapery, go north out of downtown.  Take Boonville or Campbell up to Commercial street and go right.  You’ll see us on the south side of the street between the Artisan’s Oven and Good Stuff Antiques.  We’re across the street from Historic Firehouse No. 2, the Tea and Spice Market, the Vintage Suitcase and Big Momma’s.  Needless to say it’s an awesome block and we are so happy to be a part of it!

We have big plans for this new space.  So stay tuned to see photos once we get the storefront painted and all the inside settled.

As always, if we can help you with your next drapery or upholstery project, please contact us!


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